Fashion week panty confessions. Hi my name is Chloe. I am a New York City model. This week is the most hectic week of my entire life. Fashion week. Most people see Fashion week as glamorous; famous designers, fashion shows, couture, cocktails, celebrities, small poodles and of course Anna Wintour. But for a model Fashion week looks like this...running around, not having time to pee, running from show to show, shaving in the cab, shaving in the limo, hairstylist brushing out the hairspray from your previous show as your scalp throbs from the pain and attending fashion events at night. It’s absolutely insane! There have been many times where I was going from show to show and started my period on my way there. So embarrassing… This year I have a lifesaving product that is going to help me confidently conquer fashion week; it’s called Panty Fresh. Panty Fresh is a 4-in-1 complete feminine hygiene solution for women on the go. Great quality reusable no show underwear, freshening wipes, and panty liner are packed in a compact sachet small enough to fit in the palm of the hand. Thanks to Panty Fresh, I can feel confident as I strut my stuff on the runway.